Mental Health Treatments Assignment Discussion Paper

The topic of mental health has recently gained prominence in the media and public conversation due to its prevalence. Though several policies have been implemented over the years to fill the gaps and reduce stigma in mental healthcare, this still seems to be a big problem. I became vividly aware of the flaws in the present mental health policy and its effects on people and society after going through personal mental health experiences. In order to lessen the stigma attached to mental health concerns and offer appropriate resources for individuals afflicted, I think several aspects of the present mental health policy need to be modified to solve the current problems in the sector. We can build a happier, more equitable society for all people by improving access to mental health services, supporting mental health care professionals more, and funding mental health education and research Mental Health Treatments Assignment Discussion Paper.


My experience has helped me realize that to properly support persons dealing with mental health concerns, there needs to be greater accessibility to mental health resources. I just went through a life situation that firmly convinced me that specific policies need to be modified in order to improve access to mental health treatments. I was experiencing a great deal of stress and anxiety at the time, and I started to feel helpless and unable to cope. I finally made the decision to ask for assistance because I had no idea where to turn. I was sadly unable to obtain the assistance I so sorely needed because there were no mental health resources available in my town.

Policies must be modified to promote accessibility to mental health treatments for individuals who require them. This can entail hiring more mental health specialists, expanding financial support for mental health services, and putting in place laws that make it simpler to access services (Levins, para 10)Mental Health Treatments Assignment Discussion Paper. It’s crucial to tell folks who might want mental health care of their options by giving them information and resources. Also, it’s essential to increase the accessibility and affordability of mental health services for individuals who are unable to pay for them (McBain, para 4). Policies should also be put in place to guarantee that people receiving mental health services get the best treatment possible. Ultimately, policies need to be put into practice to ensure that persons who are dealing with mental health concerns are not labeled or subjected to prejudice. These policy changes will make it easier for persons who require mental health services to get in touch with them quickly and affordably (McBain, para 4). I think that these policy adjustments will help to foster a more encouraging environment for people who are dealing with mental health problems and will ultimately contribute to lifesaving.

I firmly believe that some rules need to be changed in order to better support healthcare workers based on my recent experience with mental health. I was able to observe the challenges that mental health professionals encounter on a daily basis as a result of the lack of adequate resources and governmental support through my search for one and my interactions with one. As a result of the existing policies’ inadequate attention to the requirements of mental health practitioners, burnout and poor patient treatment may result (World Health Organization, 68)Mental Health Treatments Assignment Discussion Paper. Healthcare workers are not fairly compensated for their services in accordance with the amount of time and effort they devote to their jobs. Due to their low pay, mental health professionals are forced to take on more patients than they’re capable of handling, which makes it challenging for them to deliver high-quality treatment (Levins, para 10). Also, there are not enough resources available to mental health practitioners, such as access to self-help services and continuous education. Because of these policies, mental health professionals can’t perform to the best of their abilities and give patients the most excellent care.

Policies must therefore be modified to adequately compensate mental health professionals for their work and guarantee that they have access to the resources they require in order to support them effectively. Healthcare workers must get fair compensation in exchange for their services, which should be increased to account for the additional time and effort they devote to their jobs. For them to be able to give their patients the best care possible, they should also have access to ongoing education and mental health support programs (World Health Organization, 68). Also, regulations should be put in place to guarantee that mental health specialists are respected and not overworked to the point of exhaustion. With these reforms, mental health providers would have access to the tools they need to realize their full potential and give their patients exemplary care.

My experience with mental health has taught me that policies should be changed to encourage the funding of mental health research and education. Resources must be made available to those who require assistance because mental health is a significant issue that is frequently disregarded. We can start to improve the lives of persons who are dealing with mental health challenges by changing policies to give more resources for mental health education in schools and communities and by giving funding for mental health research priority (McBain, para 5). I never learned the value of mental health as a child; therefore, I struggled for many years in silence without being able to get the support I required. I wasn’t able to get help until I was in my late teens, and even then, it was only because I had family who could give me the resources. I think I would have been able to understand my mental health better and get the care I needed sooner if I had had access to mental health education when I was younger.

Allocating additional federal cash for mental health research and development is one strategy to enhance financing for mental health education and research (McBain, para 5)Mental Health Treatments Assignment Discussion Paper. This can entail increasing the number of grants available to universities and research organizations and encouraging commercial businesses to fund mental health-related initiatives. Further encouraging more businesses to participate, the government may establish tax breaks for corporations that finance mental health research and development. A national mental health awareness campaign, which would assist in lessening the stigma associated with mental health concerns, is another option to improve financing (World Health Organization, 63). This would make it simpler for mental health experts to obtain appropriate funding for their work and would enable more people to access treatment and education.

Finally, public schools could receive more federal funding for mental health research, giving teachers and administrators the tools they need to better educate students about mental health (McBain, para 5). This will enable children to grow while knowing the effects of mental health and recognizing any signs and symptoms. In the end, these policy changes would make it possible for more people to get the mental health care and education they require and contribute to the de-stigmatization of mental health issues. We can build a more informed and understanding society by investing more in mental health education and research.


In conclusion, Mental healthcare is an issue that has significantly prevailed over the years both in public and in the media. The government has tried to put in place measures to promote good quality mental healthcare to every person, without stigma. However, the sector still faces a number of challenges which affect various people and societies. To support people with mental health concerns and lessen stigma in the healthcare industry, it is evident that many aspects of the current mental health policy need to be modified. We can all live in a society that is healthier and more just if we take steps to increase access to mental health services, support for mental health professionals, and financing for research and education in the field. We must eliminate the stigma associated with conversations about mental health in order to implement the required improvements. By doing this, we can ensure that those who are dealing with mental illness are in a secure and encouraging environment and get the care they require. Ultimately, the importance of mental health may be raised and integrated into our society. Mental Health Treatments Assignment Discussion Paper